Friday, June 13, 2014


I just wanted this to stay alive and keep me too. That's it, really.


Anonymous said...

You didn't.
You deceivd, destroyed and dismiss all.
Create the ideal you,a false persona to replace with reinvented personal narratives, that with repetition, becomes easier for even oneself to believe.
Finally a lifetime of lies and pain inflicted on so many can be dismissed, for how could one,the one you cast as humble and sincere be responsible.
The lies ever helpful in repelling an honest reckoning of a lifetime of deception, pettiness, and a cruelty that is unparalleled.
Don't glance back, not even briefly, for all that remains is an unending trail of pain left in your wake that must be disregarded as a false haunting, for how else to bury all the bodies from your past and present.
That was not you, but another, and repeat, until perhaps one day even you believe it.

Anonymous said...

It's not wrong, if remorse and guilt are absent

It's not deception, if a contrived narrative retains no remnants of who one is.

A life is not a lie, if one buries the truth deep enough.

You're unrecognizable. You're a lie.