The comets speed faster than anything we have ever even seen ever.
From a good and solid fucking, a human is made in 270 days.
Love is born in less time.
Cancer eats everything always at all times eventhough it means that Cancer will die, too. That’s fucked up. And it happens very, very fast.
Where is the stillness in that you fucking be-doted twat?
And how dare you hide behind the Dalai Lama. As who is he, Diaspora?
I am a Quebecois in Alberta; you are a German in Canada. We are all Diasporai.
The Dalai Lama knows nothing for you to hide behind, my man. He has never known drunken poverty or hated heart-break for a lover.
How can you be a man and never know the Herculean gut-punch of love?
The sick of a Sunday, 5 p.m. still drunk and fuck tomorrow’s going to suck.
All these things happen in spite of stillness.
These things are learned on the balls of the feet.
Do you think Cheetahs are made to be still to find their own beauty?
Let’s move, my man, let’s go.